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BECKY CHU_G 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  香港因為歷史因素,可分為南部的香港島、中間的九龍半島,以及北部連接內地邊境的新界。我家住將軍澳,以選區算是位於新界東,但現在很多人把它納入九龍。將軍澳的英文在殖民地時期叫Junk Bay,顧名思義垃圾灣,因為將軍澳是填海得來的地,而且有一個「臭名遠播」的堆填區。小學的時候,我從山上的康盛花園到調景嶺的屋苑都能一一說明,但去了澳洲一年回來,發覺將軍澳實在有所變化。將軍澳站那邊的市中心區,高樓、酒店愈建愈多,現在我已數不出、也分不清這區的屋苑名稱了。甚麼天晉、嵕瀅、領峰、領都、緻藍天、城中駅……真的很誇張,這些樓沒有四百萬都買不起。買得起的是甚麼人? 大陸人吧! 因為只要你去海濱長廊那邊走走,不難碰到操流利普通話的人。



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BECKY CHU_G 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I brought a lot of skin care products from HK when I went to Australia for 1-year working holiday. However, I finished them within 3 months. During my working holiday, I found some quite good products from different brands. My favourite brands of skin care are as follows:



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  • 這篇文章限定好友觀看。

Watching movies is one of in-flight entertainment to beguile the tedious hours during a long-distance flight. Direct flight from Australia to HK takes around 9 hours and 15 minutes. An Aussie who sat next to me chose to read some travelling information via the in-flight televison. However, those recommendations certainly do not fit in with what local people recommend. Here are the restaurants I'd recommend. The food is well worth the price and delicious!



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在澳洲,一踏進餐廳服務員就會問你幾位,以下的conversation for your reference.

C: Customer│W: Waiter


BECKY CHU_G 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

“Welcome home. How did you find your working holiday? Where have you been? Is there anything special about your trip? How much money do you bring back from the trip?” A lot of friends wonder how I spend a year in Australia and how I am getting on. You know, I don't say much. I think it’s much better to express myself in writing than in speaking. I had a great year.



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